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LTW Product Questions

Do I have to assemble my LTW product when I receive it?

Nope! Our products ship fully assembled so that your team can immediately use your purchased LTW product. Say goodbye to stress and confusion.

What are the electrical specifications of my LTW product?

For info on this and other product detail questions, head over to our Technical Specs page.

Ordering Questions

How can I place an order?

We accept purchase orders (sent to and credit/debit card purchases by phone. If you choose to order via purchase order, include on the document the below terms that apply to your company, as well as your LTW quote number (the Bxxxx number on your quote).

Our payment terms are listed at the bottom of our quotes.  For new customers, our terms are 50% Down Payment. Balance is due when order is shipped. For existing customers, they are NET30.

Shipping Questions

How soon can I get an LTW product?

The standard lead time for most products is 4-6 weeks from our receipt of an order. For “MTO” Made To Order products, the standard lead time is 6-8 weeks. All standard lead times are subject to the current workload of LTW’s Manufacturing Department.

On some simple products, such as our E1 Base, we can offer shorter lead times. Ask your LTW Representative if your order qualifies.

All LTW products have the opportunity to be approved for a shorter lead time with a 15% Expedite Fee. If you need a product in shorter than its standard lead time, let your LTW Representative know before you place an order. They will discuss your proposed lead time with LTW’s Manufacturing Department managers, who will judge whether or not they can place the order ahead of others with standard lead times. If they approve the proposed expedited order, LTW will offer you an earlier ship date and add the 15% Expedite Fee to your quote.

Are shipping costs included in LTW quotes?

Due to the custom nature of our products, we are unable to give accurate shipping costs until the product is fully assembled. At that point, the shipping is billed to the customer separately from the purchase of their product.

What shipping terms does LTW offer?

LTW suggests CIF, or “door to port,” for most situations. Check out this terms document by Supply Chain Solutions, our preferred international shipping company.

Cost Questions

Are the prices on LTW products competitive?

When comparing LTW to other products, it’s imperative to verify you’re comparing “apples to apples.” Look for the following quality specifications, and compare them to your LTW product.

  • Frame Construction
  • Lift System – type, reputation from experts, lift capacity, danger hazards
  • Quality of Casters or Floor Levelers

When comparing LTW products to true competing products, we have consistently gotten customer feedback that our pricing is low (not to mention all the other competitive aspects of LTW).

Does LTW offer discounts?

Yes! Our Volume Discounts typically start at 10 like units purchased, varying based on the product model. For select times of the year, we also run Marketing Discounts and Event-Centered Discounts. Ask your LTW Representative what discounts your order qualifies for!

Maintenance Questions

Do I have to perform any preventative maintenance on my LTW product?

Our products are designed to withstand just about anything you do to them and typically won’t require maintenance. However, we do recommend using a factory dry PTFE lubricant on the inner slider frame legs on a monthly basis or as needed. See more information on LTW PM here.

For other maintenance and troubleshooting questions, check out our Operations & Maintenance Page.

Is my LTW product covered by a warranty?

Currently LTW products ship with a limited lifetime structural warranty on products with the LTW nameplate, which features a unique serial number. Also offered is a one-year parts replacement on all other components. However, powder coated, painted, and other applied finishes are not warrantied unless otherwise stated.

My table won’t raise from the fully lowered position. What should I do?

Don’t panic! It’s likely that the actuators simply need to be re-synchronized with the control box. See this document for step-by-step instructions on how to perform this easy task. If re-syncing does not solve your problem, contact us with your product’s LTW serial tag number (located the lower cross bar of most our products).

A common situation for actuators becoming un-synced is when an E4 Ergo Pillars Kit or E2 Retrofit Kit has been improperly mounted to a non-adjustable table or machine. When installing one of these two products, be sure to read the installation instructions first.

About LTW

Why LTW?

Aside from our notes about our competitive prices and top-of-the-line quality, those who work at LTW recognize that their job is about more than just selling products. We truly believe in the money-and-back-saving power of ergonomics and want to share it with your company. Check out this article put together by LTW’s Marketing Team, featuring an insider look at the company.

How long has LTW been around?

To make a long story short, LTW president and owner John Lanphear had a dream in his early 20’s. Over two and a half decades later, the company has expanded to be a world leader in industrial ergonomics. Read more on LTW’s history here.