Ergonomics has all to do with creating work environments that set up employees and companies for success. Cynthia Roth of EHS Today directly compares ergonomics to an increase in both company safety and profit.
“Along with the satisfaction that your work force will be safe from hazards and ergonomics risk factors, your company’s profits will stay with the company instead of being used to pay workers’ compensation claims.”
Making investments in ergonomics now can save your company thousands – if not millions – of dollars.
Preparation for Success
According to an article published by OSHA entitled “Ergonomics: The Study of Work,” MSD’s are responsible for over a third of all missed-workday cases. How much is a lack of ergonomics holding your company back from its full potential?
MSD’s, or Musculoskeletal Disorders, “are injuries and disorders that affect the human body’s movement or musculoskeletal system (i.e. muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, discs, blood vessels, etc.),” states Ergonomics Plus.

One of the easiest and best ways to make a great leap away from MSD’s and towards successful ergonomics is to update your company’s work areas with tables and machines that accommodate your employees.
The Solution
Have you ever gotten tired of sitting at work, then tried piling cardboard boxes on your desk to make it a “sit-to-stand desk?” What about working at a fixed non-adjustable “standing table” that is either too short or too tall for you to work at? Have you tried “ergonomic” desks but found that, while they’re amazing for your front office, they’re not sturdy or big enough for your industrial needs? Most of us have been in at least one of these situations, and LTW dares to help you eliminate all of them from your company.
For over 25 years, LTW has been a time-proven trusted company for providing height adjustable ergonomic industrial tables, workstations, material handling carts, machine bases, operator platforms, and more. LTW’s patented products utilize electric actuator systems so that you never have to worry about the motor failure associated with hydraulic actuators.
Find products based on your company’s Industry or Operations. LTW’s products range from central static load weight lift capacities of 350lbs to 3200lbs+, customizable for your specific needs.